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The WW1 (stand for Word War One) was ended at 1918. Germany lost in this war. So the big three(Wilson, Lloyd George, Clemenceau) will sign a treaty to punish Germany in order to ensuring the peace in EU. But that wasn’t a easy achievement. The peace makers had an impossible job if we look back.


The main reason of TOV ( Treaty of Versailles) hard to achieve is, the three main leaders work for different things.

Leader Country Attitude toward Germany Main aims
Clemenceau France Punish Germany Punish Germany hashly, avoid Germany starting another war and get money from Germany to rebuild France
Lloyd George Britain A bit Friendly Trade with Germany but punish them a little bit.
Wilson USA Friendly Make a strong, independent Europe so USA can trade with them and gain money.

In 1918, Wilson made a speech about the fourteen points, which shows that he wanted a strong, independent EU to trade with. So that made Wilson don’t want punish Germany too hash. Other wise, USA may can not trade as many things as they expected. But, French was badly damaged in the WW1 by Germany so Clemenceau want punish Germany hashly, get money from Germany to rebuild French and avoid another war. Then what about the Britain? At that time, the British people suffered too much from the WW1 so they want punish Germany hashly but the British govenment want to trade with Germany, so they don’t want punish Germany too hash.

How they actually work?

  • Clemenceau clashed with Wilson over many issues
  • Clemenceau also clashed with Lloyd George
  • Wilson and Lloyd George did not always agree either.

Lloyd George didn’t agree with Wilson because the point 2 of the fourteen points, free access of the seas. Lloyd worried that will damage Britain’s empire.

Terms of the TOV

War guilt. Germany had to accept the blame for starting the war. Germany thought this was unfair.

Reparation. Germany had to pay reparations to the Allies for the damage caused by the war. Until 1921, they need to pay 6, 600 pounds.


The source below showed the Germany’s European borders.Image result for treaty of versailles territories

And Germany’s overseas empire was taken away.

Arm forces.

  • Army limited to 100,000 men
  • Soldiers should be volunteers
  • Germany not allowed armoured vehicles, submarines or aircraft
  • Could only have 6 battleships.
  • Germany can’t put military force in Rhineland

League of Nations

  • It was set up as an international ‘police force’.
  • Germany will not invited to join it until it had shown that it was a peace-loving country.

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